This is video footage of one step in the process of dressing a loom. This includes threading heddles and sleying reed. For a first-time weaver, setting up the loom can be 80% of the job. Many beginners actually enjoy dressing the loom more than weaving off the web. This comes about by careful work, techniques that have built-in double-checks, and efficient methodology.
Pay attention to this instructional video when assembling your kiss loom. A kiss loom is one of the only looms with an adjustable gauge. The gauge is set by changing how much yarn is used for each stitch. The kiss loom comes with a set number of plastic bolts, which are used to adjust the rake.
Learn how to weave with Travis Meinolf who's featured on the cover of CRAFT: 08, the Weaving issue. He explains how to make weaving loom out of 3 X 5" notecards, yarn and a pencil. After assembling the basic structure of the loom, create tension in the loom by attaching one end of the loom to the wall and the other end to one's waist. With a shuttle, it is possible to begin making creative woven fabrics in a matter of minutes.
Learn about the basics of weaving with this stop motion weaving tutorial video. Several different weaving and knot techniques are demonstrated, even showing common mistakes in the weaving process. Watch and learn a simple technique for weaving on a cardboard loom.
Ever wanted to learn how to weave? The inkle loom is a simple and inexpensive loom for weaving bands, and is easy to learn how to use. Watch this video weaving tutorial and learn how to use a Schact Inkle loom and start weaving in no time. Learn about warps, wefts & threading. Wonderfully clear weaving tutorial for textile artists and designers.
Starting a toothbrush rug can be the most difficult part of the entire weaving process. The technique demonstrated is a way to start weaving a toothbrush rug using a half hitch knot. Watch this video weaving tutorial and learn how to start a toothbrush rug using half hitch knots.
This video weaving tutorial shows how to finish a color band row or solid color row on a toothbrush rug. Demonstrated are the final stitches and tying off the end of the rug. Watch this instructional video and learn how to finish off a solid color row when weaving a toothbrush rug.
This video weaving tutorial describes the creative process by which materials are decided upon and how to sequence the fabrics together into the rug. Naalbinding or toothbrush rug making recycles wasted clothes, plastic bags, hosiery, and time into beautiful durable rugs. Watch this instructional video and learn how to plan out and organize the fabrics and materials for toothbrush rug weaving.
Starting a rug is the hardest thing to do, and beginners are often better served to work on a start made by an experienced rug maker to become comfortable with the stitch. That being said, there's nothing that can't be learned with a little help and practice. Watch this video weaving tutorial and learn how to weave a toothbrush rug starting from a tight braid.
Listig the weaver likes to brag that the toothbrush rag rug weaving craft is the closest there is to making a silk purse from a sow's ear. In this video tutorial series, he takes two umbrellas and uses them to add on to a rug which was started from a discarded shower curtain. Watch these instructional videos and learn how to weave a toothbrush out of a destroyed umbrella.
This video weaving tutorial shows how to start a rug using the half hitch knot/stitch. It's the easiest way to start a rug. The start is very strong too, as strong as a braided start, and much stronger than a chain stitch start. Watch this instructional video series and learn how to weave a toothbrush rug starting with a half hitch stitch.
Though rag rugs are durable and are known to last decades, sometimes due to a weak fabric, a thin strip, loose stitching, or canine chewing, holes and weak spots develop. Fortunately, these holes are easy to fix. All you need is a strip of fabric in a similar color. Watch this video weaving tutorial and learn how to mend a rag rug with a strip of cloth.
Westville, Georgia's woodwright shows how to make a whiteoak split basket from limb to basket. Follow along and learn how to weave a split white oak basket.
If you're the creative type, then this crafty floral wreath is the perfect project for you. Learn how to make a decorative floral wreath that you can style to match your home.
There aren't many vids out there about how to work with silk hankies and how to spin with them. I also found that you can easily roll the silk "roving" into a ball. I tend to do this when I need a lot of silk to ply with another single so that way it does not take as long to make the yarn. It's a great way to kill time at the relatives place!